Baha'is of Fairfax County East Virginia

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Baha'is of Fairfax County East Virginia

transforming the world with love

6 Ways to Race Unity in America

Race Unity in America discussions in July 2016
Race Unity in America discussions in July 2016


Fairfax County East
P.O. Box 1861
Annandale , VA

Prejudice and racism are on the minds of everyone at this time which makes it an excellent time to talk about them. People of different backgrounds and culture have been meeting once each month since July 2016 to discuss how humanity can unite itself.  Music, poetry, scripture and writings from leaders of thought such as Martin Luther King, Jr., President John F. Kennedy, and others were shared in an atmosphere designed to elicit positive thoughts and energy for the well-being of our communities, our country and the world.  

These gatherings are scheduled in two public libraries in the Northern Virginia area:  George Mason Regional Public Library in Annandale and in Charles E. Beatley, Jr. Public Library in Alexandria.  Additional gatherings are planned for the following dates and locations and the public is invited:

December 10, 2-4 pm                               Charles E. Beatley, Jr. Public Library

January 14, 2-4 pm                                    Charles E. Beatley, Jr. Public Library

Several ideas have been offered about how each person could contribute to building a community that will satisfy the needs of everyone. They included:

  • Build consciousness of unity:  Understanding that the needs and capabilities of each human is not determined by race begins the process of race unity.  Each person brings talents and advantages to society through their differences.
  • Learn the difference between racism and prejudice:  Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling that an individual may have for another person which is formed before thought or experience can come to bear, i.e., a person is judged before any interaction with another person.  Racism brings an additional aspect of power directed at an entire group of people.  It is often wielded by institutions: bodies of society which impose laws or procedures which benefit one group of people to the detriment of another.  Learning what racism is and working to eliminate it benefits everyone.  
  • We are all members of the human family: All families have an unusual member of their family who is a bit different from the rest but, nonetheless, those people are still family.  Since both science and religion tell us that humanity is descended from a common ancestry, all human beings are members of the same family. 
  • We are all members of one body:  All religions teach that humanity is as one body.  As members of that body, we know that mistreating one part will affect the whole body.  When our stomach is upset, we treat it kindly.   When our foot is injured, we take care of it.  If we harm a portion of our body, we harm ourselves.  We need each part of our body to have a full life.  Why then would we not care for other people when neglect of them means we are harming ourselves?
  • America has a destiny: While it is important to note that all countries are burdened with prejudice, there is an added aspect of racism in America which was present before the country was formed.  This racism centers on the relationship between black and white.  That doesn’t mean that other prejudices do not exist, but that if we can resolve the prejudices between black and white, other prejudices will also be conquered.  Further, America has always felt a sense of Manifest Destiny. With such a history and such an aspiration, America will be able to lead the world socially and spiritually only when we overcome racism.
  • Love is the answer: All religions also tell us that God is love.  By looking at each other with an eye which sees each person as a creature mirroring the attributes of God including love, we will be able to counter the indifference, and at worst, hate which has existed between the races for so long. 

Please join us in future meetings to continue the discussion. 
